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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lakers vs Suns (11/16/12)

The Lakers get the win tonight and finish 3-1 in the Bernie Bickerstaff era. The interim head coach will hand over the reigns to Coach D'Antoni for Sunday's contest. Bickerstaff is technically the Lakers winningest head coach in their history (75%). Bickerstaff chuckled about that fact in the post game press conference.

It was obvious from the start of the game that the Princeton is out and "fun & gun" is in. The Lakers tried to push the tempo and did so pretty comfortably considering they had only 3rd and 4th string pgs available. The Lakers put up 114 points but that might need to taken with a grain of salt considering PHX's defensive abilities.


The Good:
- What can I say about the mamba? The guy is just solid. Another +30pt night for the league's leading scorer. Keep in mind he is currently playing the "pg" role. He will be even more deadly when he can go back to being just a scorer.
- Metta shot 7/14 tonight with 22 pts. He contributed heavily defensively as well. Great night for him
- Pau had a great 1st Q shooting 5/6 with 12 pts
- Not great, but solid play from the pgs
- Only 12 turnovers

The Bad:
- Porous defense for the first two and a half quarters
- Over passing at times
- Too much complaining to the refs

Overall a good win for a team in "transition."

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